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HRS Certification

Tortolita Middle School 1st Day Welcome

The Marzano HRS framework serves as a long-term strategic planning guide for schools across the country, and the Marana Unified School District is proud to implement the program across our schools. Using the framework, leaders concentrate school improvement efforts on five key areas: 

  • (Level 1) Safe, Supportive, and Collaborative Culture
  • (Level 2) Effective Teaching in Every Classroom
  • (Level 3) Guaranteed and Viable Curriculum
  • (Level 4) Standards-Referenced Reporting
  • (Level 5) Competency-Based Education

The HRS program was created by Marzano Resources to help transform schools into organizations that take proactive steps to ensure student success. Using the research-based five-level hierarchy, along with leading and lagging indicators, educators learn to assess, monitor, and confirm the effectiveness of their schools.

This framework, based on 50 years of educational research, defines five progressive levels of performance that a school must master to become an HRS—where all students learn the content and skills they need for success in college, careers, and beyond.

The HRS program was created by Marzano Resources to help transform schools into organizations that take proactive steps to ensure student success.Schools must collect data and validate their performance to climb each level of the hierarchy. Certification is determined by Marzano Resources analysts in cooperation with school data teams. Using the HRS framework and indicators, schools can drive sustained, positive, and significant impacts on student achievement by synthesizing multiple complex initiatives into one harmonious system.

HRS Level 1 Schools:

HRS Level 2 Schools: