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Students enter school on First Day at TMS

Marana Schools: Forging Ahead

As the community’s K-12 school district, Marana Unified School District is proud to employ 1,700 dedicated teachers and staff who serve 13,000 students in Marana and NW Tucson at ten elementary schools, two K-8 schools, two middle schools, three high schools and the Early Learning and Resource Center.

Looking ahead, the district has several initiatives we are pursuing with enthusiasm. On the heels of a positive letter-grade report from the Arizona Department of Education, we will continue to focus on providing relevant and innovative academics that prioritize the development of critical thinking and future-focused skills through project-based learning. Several new efforts will also be made possible in part from the school improvement bond that voters approved last November, and this work will continue over the next few years. We are immensely grateful for the community’s support, and we pledge to continue our record of good stewardship of taxpayer dollars.

These efforts provide the foundation for an exceptional experience wherever students are – in the classroom, on stage, or on the athletic field.

MUSD Key Initiatives:

  • Maintain a strong focus on improving early literacy through consistent, district-wide efforts including collaborative teamwork focused on specific reading and writing activities, individual student support and interventions, professional development for teachers, and regular assessment of students’ reading/writing.
  • Develop key town and business partnerships that prepare our students to contribute to and enhance local and regional industry needs.
  • Implement critical campus-specific improvements. This includes improving HVAC heating/cooling systems, modernizing fine arts facilities, renovating restrooms (middle and high schools), installing new flooring, and updating athletic facilities including replacing field turf, track, and tennis courts.
  • Invest in technology that will strengthen internal communications and connect us with law enforcement faster when time and safety are imperative.
  • Address significant growth in our region through the construction of a future K-8 school in the Gladden Farms II neighborhood and strategically repurpose schools to accommodate for increased student capacity.
  • Expand our transportation fleet through the purchase of fuel-efficient buses and vans, as well as invest in additional bus security cameras.
  • Expand and increase technology, including making upgrades to our network infrastructure and data center and updating technology used in classrooms.

These efforts provide the foundation for an exceptional experience wherever students are – in the classroom, on stage, or on the athletic field. I continue to be inspired by our community’s support for our students, teachers, and staff and I am proud to be MUSD’s superintendent. Stay in touch with us as we proceed with this exciting work!

Dan Streeter, Ed.D.

Contact Us

MUSD - District #6
Grades preK-12
11279 W. Grier Rd.
Marana, AZ 85653
General Email Inquiry

Phone: (520) 682-3243
Fax: (520) 682-2421

Monday – Friday from 7:30am to 4:00pm
Closed Saturday & Sunday