Community Use of Facilities
Marana Unified School facilities and property may be rented to extended day resource programs and any person, group or organization for any lawful purpose in the interest of the community. The purposes include but are not limited to the following:
- Recreational
- Educational
- Political
- Economic
- Artistic
- Moral
- Scientific
- Social
- Religious
- Other Civic
- Governmental
A reasonable use fee shall be charged for the lease of school facilities and property and this fee may be offset by goods contributed or services rendered by the lessee. "Reasonable use fee" means an amount that is at least equal to the cost for utilities, services, supplies or personnel provided to the lessee pursuant to the terms of the lease.
I want to rent a MUSD facility
- Review Governing Board Policy KF for renting MUSD school facilities.
- Contact the administrator in charge of the school site for availability and to obtain the Facility Use Application.
- Complete and submit Facility Use Application to the site administrator for their approval.
An applicant requesting the use of school facilities agrees to comply with the following rules and the District policy concerning conduct on school property if granted permission to use the requested school facilities.
- All community group activities, including preparations, must be conducted in such a manner that students can continue their educational programs without undue interruption.
- An employee of the District must be on duty whenever a school building is used by an organization or group unless prior approval for other arrangements has been granted.
- The applicant is held responsible for the preservation of order. All children attending or participating in the event or activity must be supervised by responsible adults.
- No alcoholic liquors or beverages shall be brought to or consumed in the buildings or on the grounds.
- Tobacco and smoking is prohibited on school property.
- Putting up decorations or scenery or moving pianos or other major furniture is not allowed without prior permission.
- Nothing shall be sold, given, exhibited, or displayed for sale without prior permission from the school. Any sales are prohibited unless the proceeds will be used for charitable or nonprofit educational purposes.
- All groups must provide the District with documentary evidence of liability insurance with a limit of at least ten thousand dollars ($10,000) for property damage and one million dollars ($1,000,000) for bodily injury. Each group will be responsible for the repair or replacement of damaged equipment, furniture, or facility.
- The District reserves the right to require, if it should deem it necessary, a cash bond of five hundred dollars ($500), or more to cover any damages that might be done to any equipment, furniture, or facility.
- All wages earned by District employees on duty for approved facilities use shall be paid by the District. No District employees shall be paid directly by any group using the facilities.
- The availability of cafeteria kitchens and other special subject or usage areas may be restricted to specific times or activities. Special fees may be charged for the use of those facilities.
- When more than one (1) applicant requests the use of a facility for the same time, the applicant filing first shall be given first consideration. If a school program or calendar changes, the school program shall take priority, even if the activity has been scheduled. Every effort will be made to reschedule the activity as conveniently as possible when such cancellation has occurred.
- The issuance of keys to facilities is to be discouraged. However, if no alternative is suitable, it shall be the principal's responsibility to issue and retrieve facility keys according to the District key-control procedures.
- Permission shall be denied for activities that would exceed the capacity of the facility or be in violation of fire or safety regulations. It shall be the responsibility of the applicant to make appropriate members familiar with the use of fire and other safety devices and procedures.
- All activities must be conducted within the laws, rules and regulations of the State of Arizona and applicable municipal subdivisions.
- Requests for future use may be denied to an organization that fails to comply with established rules.