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Vendor Information

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The information on this Webpage does not alter or supersede the Arizona Revised Statutes (A.R.S.) or the Arizona Administrative Code (A.A.C.).

Purchase Orders

Before a vendor can be issued a Purchase Order, a copy of its IRS Form W-9 must be on file in our office.  

Potential vendors should review the Purchase Order Terms and Conditions

All commitments of purchases will be made by an approved Purchase Order number assigned by the Procurement Department. Products/services are not to be delivered without an approved Purchase Order. Vendors accepting orders without a purchase order number do so at their own risk.

Vendor Registration

The Marana district will discontinue the use of Vendor Registry and will instead maintain the interested vendor database via IonWave. (Link will be provided below.) IonWave and Marana USD will be able to notify vendors of important bid opportunities in the future. 

Prior to registering as an interested Vendor with the Marana Unified School District #6, read the statement below.  

Conflict of Interest

What is a Conflict of Interest? Conflict of interest; exemptions; employment prohibition: 

  1. Any public officer or employee of a public agency who has, or whose relative has, a substantial interest in any contract, sale, purchase or service to such public agency shall make known that interest in the official records of such public agency and shall refrain from voting upon or otherwise participating in any manner as an officer or employee in such contract, sale or purchase. 
  2. Any public officer or employee who has, or whose relative has, a substantial interest in any decision of a public agency shall make known such interest in the official records of such public agency and shall refrain from participating in any manner as an officer or employee in such decision.
  3. Notwithstanding the provisions of subsections A and B of this section, no public officer or employee of a public agency shall supply to such public agency any equipment, material, supplies or services, unless pursuant to an award or contract let after public competitive bidding. 

Based on the information listed above, do you or your company have a conflict of interest?

  • If yes, contact the Procurement Department.
  • If no, proceed with registering your business through the Marana district's free, online IonWave. By registering, your business will be on the Marana Unified School District Interested Vendor Database.  

Open Solicitations

After registering your business with the Marana district, visit the Vendor Registry Solicitations to view open solicitations from the Marana Unified School District. 

You may also choose to visit the Arizona Statewide Vendor Registration Portal which provides links to State/School District/Public Entity and Arizona Cooperative Purchasing Entity Vendor Registration Websites. This page was created by Mesa Public Schools for the convenience of vendors as the most centralized source of Arizona Statewide vendor registration links. The goal of this page is to assist vendors with the task of registering with multiple Arizona procurement entities such as the State, school districts, cities, counties, other public and cooperative purchasing entities.

Cooperative Purchasing

Marana Unified School District is a member of and participates in the following purchasing consortiums:

Purchasing Rules

Arizona Revised Statutes 15-213 authorizes the AZ State Board of Education to submit rules to the Auditor General. The Arizona School District Procurement Rules apply to purchases above the bid threshold established by the Arizona State Board of Education (currently $100,000).

The Auditor General is responsible for establishing rules for purchasing below the bid threshold. These rules are found in the Uniform System of Financial Records (USFR) and apply to all purchases below the bid threshold.