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About Proposition 491

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On Tuesday, November 8, 2022, registered voters will have the opportunity to vote on Proposition 491, a school improvement bond for the Marana Unified School District.

About Proposition 491

In 2022, a community-driven citizen group was charged with examining future projects for the Marana Unified School District and analyzing capital project costs. Their primary goal was to ensure that all students have access to a 21st-century learning experience and technology provided in a safe and secure environment.

As we look to the future, the MUSD Governing Board is asking the community to consider a $90,000,000 bond proposal on the election ballot for District-wide improvements that address growth, enhance security, campus safety and technology, provide campus improvements and renovations, and support our large transportation fleet. A bond election is the only mechanism to obtain additional funding for capital improvements.

Proposed Projects over 5-7 Years

A “yes” vote authorizes the Marana Unified School District Governing Board to issue and sell school improvement bonds for the following capital projects:

Improvements for Campus Safety:

  • Invest in school-wide campus safety improvements at all schools, which can alert school staff and students of potential threats in a timely manner.

 New K8 & Expanded School Facilities:

  • Construct one new K8 school in the Gladden Farms area to address rapid growth and expansion.
  • Add new facilities to expand the capacity of the district, relieving enrollment pressures on other district schools 

Multipurpose Gym at Twin Peaks K8: 

  • Build a multipurpose gymnasium at Twin Peaks K8 school, which currently lacks this space. The new gym will be used for class/grade-level activities, physical education classes, and school and community events. 

School Maintenance & Renovations:

  • Installation of playground equipment at most elementary sites, installation of new flooring at all school sites, and renovation of restroom facilities for middle and high schools.
  • Improve HVAC heating/cooling systems at all sites.
  • Replace outdated projectors and document cameras in classrooms.
  • Modernize auditorium stage, sound, and seating in schools needing enhancements.
  • Replace athletic field turf, track, and tennis courts at high schools.
  • Provide necessary maintenance at the pool located at Marana High School.

Student Transportation:

  • Replace student transportation vehicles that are past their useful life with air-conditioned, fuel-efficient buses and vans.
  • Update or invest in bus security cameras to improve safety and transparency when dealing with incidents.

Technology Upgrades: 

  • Upgrade network infrastructure and data center (servers, network storage, and data backup) to accommodate the expansion and increase of technology.