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Wellness Guidelines: Implementation

  • Student Health Services
Wellness Guidelines: Implementation

Implementation of the Wellness Guidelines:

  1. All schools conduct a school level assessment prior to developing an implementation plan using the ADE recommended activity and assessment tool.
  2. The District has a plan for implementation to manage and coordinate the execution of the wellness guidelines at each school. The plan includes roles, responsibilities, actions, and timelines specific to each school and includes information about who will be responsible to make changes. This includes, but is not limited to, presentations of guidelines by wellness coordinators to individual school sites. Presentation to school governing board by superintendent, and presentations to administrative staff by PCHD Coordinated School Health personnel.
  3. The wellness guidelines and progress reports are posted online and the link for their online location is included in the guidelines.

Triennial Progress Assessments:

At least once every three years, the LEA must conduct an assessment of their wellness guidelines. To accomplish this, the District will evaluate compliance with their wellness guidelines and assess progress toward meeting the goals of the District Wellness guidelines. Additionally, USDA requires that the District will compare their guidelines to the Alliance for a Healthier Generation’s model wellness guidelines.

The District will assess compliance and progress of their local wellness guidelines at least once every 3 years.

The evaluation includes:

  1. The extent to which schools under the jurisdiction of the District are in compliance with the wellness guidelines
  2. The extent to which the District’s guidelines compares to a model guidelines
  3. A description of the progress made in attaining the goals of the District’s wellness guidelines.
  4. The District superintendent or designee is responsible for managing the triennial assessment

Revisions and Updating the Guidelines:

The District will update or modify the wellness guidelines as appropriate.

The District Wellness Council will update or modify the wellness guidelines based on the results of the annual school health index and triennial assessments.
Guidelines will be updated when District priorities change, community needs change, wellness goals are met, new health science information emerges, or new state or federal guidance/standards are issued.

Notification of Wellness Guidelines, Guidelines Updates and Triennial Assessment:

The District will inform families and the public each year of any updates to the wellness guidelines and every three years of their compliance with the written wellness guidelines.

  1. The District Wellness Guidelines will be available to the public via a link on the District website.
  2. The District informs families and the public each year of basic information about the guidelines, including its content, updates, and implementation status with documentation of latest revision date of LWP.  The notification may be made by e-mail, notices on the District website, and District social media accounts.
  3. The annual progress reports, updates, and triennial assessments will be made available to the public at the District Health Services office.


The District retains the following documents to demonstrate compliance with the wellness guidelines.

  1. Written wellness guidelines.
  2. Documentation demonstrating it has been made to the public.
  3. Documentation of efforts to review and update the guidelines, including indication of who is involved in the update and the methods the District uses to make stakeholders aware of their ability to participate.
  4. Documentation to demonstrate compliance with annual public notification requirements.
  5. The most recent assessment on implementation of the school wellness guidelines.
  6. Documentation demonstrating the most recent assessment on the implementation of the guidelines has been made available to the public.
  • Health Services