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Meal/Loan Policy

  • Food Services
Meal/Loan Policy

The following information provides a recap of MUSD’s protocol for managing student meal accounts with a low or negative balance. 

Grades Pre-K through 8:

  • Parents/guardians will be notified by email through the District’s in-house email notification system, when their students’ meal account has a low balance ($10) and/or a negative balance.
  • The School Cafeteria Staff or Designee will also personally call the parent(s) or guardian(s) and/or send letters when the student’s meal account is negative or becomes delinquent.
  • Accounts that are delinquent by $20.00 or more and/or the parent(s) or guardian(s) have not responded to the district’s phone calls and/or letters will be contacted directly by School Principal or Designee via phone call.
  • If an account is negative at the end of the school year the negative amount will be rolled over to the next school year.

Grades 9 through 12: 
No Meal Loans available.  If prior year negative balances remain, then cash must be utilized to purchase a meal.

Make Payments and/or Apply for Free and Reduced Price Meals: 

Meals Benefit Team
520-682-4734 - email

  • Food Services