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Medications at School

  • Student Health Services
Medications at School

With limited exceptions, as detailed below, all medication must be kept in the health office and administered by the health assistant or RN.  Parents must give permission, with a consent form, and instruct school staff on appropriate medication administration. This is particularly important when your child has an Individual Care Plan or Emergency Action Plan.

Medications must be in the original labeled (non-glass) container and medications must be FDA approved. Due to limited storage space in our health offices, please send in smallest bottle possible. 

Students, in the secondary schools, are allowed to carry both prescriptive and over the counter medication for self-administration with the proper consent forms on file.  Medication carried must be in a one day supply in the original container, labeled appropriately.

The district reserves the right to disallow or strictly limit the use or administration of medication on school premises if it is determined that a threat of abuse or misuse of the medicine may pose a risk to other members in the population.

Under no circumstances, shall a student make available, provide, or give the item to another person.  Students shall take extraordinary precautions to keep secure any medications that they may carry.  Violation of this regulation will lead to disciplinary action.

  • Health Services